Life Empowerment Coaching Live Your Dreams

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What is Coaching?

Empowerment Coaching is a process by which a professional coach helps bring out the absolute best in a client, be they a person, couple, family, or corporation.  This is done by connecting one's inner purpose and passion to outer goals and tasks to bring about extraordinary results. 
What Happens When You Hire a Coach?
  • You stop letting things drag you down
  • You take yourself more seriously
  • You take more effective and focused actions immediately
  • You create momentum and you get results
  • You set better goals with a coach than you might have without the coach and move forward toward your dream

How Does it Work?

  • Most Coaching is Conveniently done over the telephone.  You can be anywhere and call into your scheduled session via home or cell phone. 
  • Weekly sessions are 30-45 minutes scheduled at a time that works for you.  You can email your coach inbetween sessions. 
  • Most clients commit to 3 month (12 sessions) for maximum benefit with the option to continue on a monthly basis after that. 
  • Everything that you say in a coaching session is completely confidential, so you can feel free to speak in a safe environment. 

What Makes the Coaching Process so Powerful?

If change were easy, we would always handle it well and have whatever we desire.  One unique aspect of coaching is that because the client invests time and money into the process and agrees to be accountable for taking action, he or she immediately demonstrates a commitment to change.  With the help of a results-oriented professional, people do make powerful, measurable and sometimes miraculous changes that last. 

How is Coaching Different from Other Professions?

  • A Therapist:  Psychotherapy typically focuses on how past events in a clients life may have created or impacted their current challenges.  Coaching focuses on the present situation and finding solutions and actions that the client can use to create powerful and lasting results. 
  • A Consultant: A consultant promotes him or hersilf as the expert in a certain aspect of life, and the coach accepts that the client is the expert and has within hm/her the answer to any situation s/he may face.  A coach will stay with the client to impliment a plan of action, while a consultant usually does not participate in this type of relationship.  A consultant generally leaves the client to impliment the plan of action on his/her own. 
  • A Friend: A friend may have the best intintions for you, but friends often "should" on you because they have their own agenda.  A Life Empowerment Coach leaves the agenda at home.  The relationship with a Coach is entirely for the best interests of the client
  •  A Sports Coach:  A Sports Coach focuses on winning.  A life Empowerment Coach believes that there can be a win-win situation and no one loses.   
  • A Personal Trainer: A personal Trainer focuses on training the physical body.  Although a client may wish to work on their physical body, coaching focuses on the whole person and works on all facets of the client in a holistic way. 

Life Empowerment Coaching ** Live Your Dreams
Contact us today to see how!